Friday, July 26, 2013

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How ever, I just did a calculation on the cost of Ancient Grains Flat Bread at Costco vs Sobey's.

Now the same bread is sold at each store. But they are packaged differently, even though the cost is the same, $3.99. Sobey's is packaged 8 rounds to Costco's 15. I use anywhere from 8 and up per week when I have them. They are a nice easy meal. My Costco membership expired in June, and I was not going to renew it, until I was sure I would be near a Costco Store. Now I am having some doubts.

Last night I bought some groceries at Soby's, $47. two bags, not good, but a lot less than I was expecting, by about $15. But here's the crunch. For an average years worth of flat bread, (52x$3.99) it would cost $207.48. Now compare that with Costco at (52x8/15 = 27.73 x $3.99 =) $110.66, that is a savings of $96.82 before membership costs of about $50. Which is still a savings of $46.82, on ONE ITEM alone. When taking into consideration other items, like pills, meat, and condiments, it is probably a good bet, at least compared to Sobey's, Costco is the winner.

Of course that would not include regular super markets, like Food Basic, NoFrills and their sales. They could compare favourably with Costco. But how often, unless your an avid coupon watcher, can you hit the sales. Definitely leaning towards another membership.

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