Friday, May 24, 2013

About the Title of my blog, The Sacred War etc.

I am not all that techy and just noticed that on Dashboard there is a tracker of where viewers come from. To EVERYONE who has ever viewed this blog or my other blogs, THANK YOU FROM THE DEPTHS OF MY SOUL!! I had never imagined that anyone other than perhaps friends and family that I have told about this would ever come by. You are much appreciated.

Now as to why the title:

     I notice there is proportionately almost as many Rus brothers and sisters who have visited as anyone else in the world. You may be surprised that I would know the answer to "Why?" As a former student (at my age, life is more teacher and class room than a physical school) of 20th century history, I am fully aware of the contribution and sacrifice the Soviet Union made during The Great Patriotic War, or Sacred War. 25 million lives and counting. Yes, there are still people who are tallying the numbers.
     My father's ancestral line has a nasty habit of expiring before 70yrs. Dad and Grand dad died at 69, both quiet suddenly. Previously to that, as far back as I have gone, 60 was a high point. When I decided on a blog for my quest to live beyond 70 years of age, it just seemed natural to entitle it "The Sacred War". To which I add, my apologies if some of you that come here, feel that it is an affront to the memory of those that died before they even had a chance to live. I have certainly not meant any disrespect.

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