Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The starting post revisited

Actually that title does sound right, when thinking, that building a home begins with one post, one log, one 2x4, and just continues on.

The War Begins
October 23rd 2011

I am 63, soon to be 64, and have been fighting a rear guard action for 6 years now, since loosing my last job to "progress". Replaced by a new program. Since then I have had a variety of physical and economic calamities hit me.

First was my heart; stress had been taking a toll on it long before the last day on the job; angina was the leading symptom, bouts of it would hit at inopportune moments, and I would have to resort to a nitro spray. Then 2 years after my last day, I was lifting some paving stones for my brother and his wife, and 2 arteries in the right side of my heart decided enough was enough, and collapsed; within 3 weeks I was in surgery, and rather than open heart, which might have been the only option 20-25 years ago, the surgeon, entered my left wrist with a needle and worked up to my heart, with a wire, and did angioplasty (literally blew up a balloon in my arteries, expanding them) and then inserting two stents, a mesh tube that keeps the arteries open at the collapsed point.

Two years later I was well on my way to normality, running and exercising, playing with my grandson, 5 years old; going back to school to prepare for advanced education at college or university. Then one morning in February, before Sun up, I was running down the darkened driveway, and slipped on a patch of ice no bigger than a turkey platter; landing with all my weight on my knee; dislocating the knee joint, the patella, and ripping the quad muscle (the one in front of your thigh, which lifts your leg below your knee). 1 1/2 months later, surgery to repair the damage, 6 1/2 weeks in hospital, 8 weeks total off the leg, 8 sessions of free physio, and off I go to recover on my own; to say it was a mixed blessing is an understatement.

This past year, I was getting up from the computer, and my knee gave out, and when I fell, I cushioned the fall, by putting out my left hand. The top of the tibia cracked, and I required a cast; it healed, but now there is nerve and muscle damage; if may be Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) we don't know yet. I am using my hand and wrist despite the occasional pain, so I am hopeful.

In the last 2 3/4 years I have gained weight (30+ lbs) and the thigh of the injured leg is partially atrophied; only the fact that I can walk, with a cane for long distances, keeps me going. Until I turn 65 in January of 2013, I am on a limited monthly pension of $680+, and yet manage to keep head above water, without the use of credit (bankruptcy after heart surgery) and a lot of improvisation and careful planning.

Over the years, I have tried various means to recover my health and fitness. I still see the cardiologist, once a year, and keep tabs on my health with my GP. Regular check ins, and yearly physicals. Mentally and Physically, I keep as active as is possible. Walking 7 kl a day, (more on that later) and eating healthy food. I read, and surf the web, maintain my own aged computers, make my own wine and do light wood working projects to make my life easier, as well as bake my own bread and learnt to cook a variety of foods. Did I mention that I am a bachelor ;). Living conditions are not palatial, 2 rooms, with a shared kitchen, bathroom, and laundry. But for now it is enough, better times are coming when my ship comes in.

Today I am starting this blog, because I have had enough. The Status Quo has to give, and get better before the end of the next year. This will be the record of that 14 months and my War.

October 23rd 2011

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