Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bringing Brother Ass under MY control

May 15th 2013
     It would seem that Christmases are my Waterloo... over the past 3 years I can count on gaining between 10 to 20 lbs over the December-January period of feasting and gluttony. NOT what I had hoped for. I did finish a Mini-Gym, but it wasn't as Mini as I had hoped. At the present time it is in pieces (I have moved into temporary quarters) and I may be able to reconstruct it into a more usable vehicle for exercise, if built around a bed frame ;D

     Walking has become a bit better, as each year I have become stronger, and walk farther and more efficiently. This year the weight is coming off faster and I have hopes of reaching my ideal weight of 165 lbs by September 11th when I see the cardiologist again. Since April 5th I have gone from 212 lbs to 199.

Pills for BP have been decreasing also over the past 3 years, which I take to be a good sign. Two of the major pills have been cut in half and another eliminated altogether. I am keeping track of what the doctor's reports say, and can tell, that there is no major damage or problems on the horizon.

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