Friday, May 24, 2013

Some Pep Rally Talk ;)

Advice to the Class of 2013


Elizabeth Warren, Senator for MA.

Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to consider the unexpected. Never be so faithful to your plan that you are unwilling to entertain the improbable opportunity that comes looking for you. And never be so faithful to your plan that when you hit a bump in the road – or when the bumps hit you – you don’t have the fortitude, grace, and resiliency to rethink and regroup. (SW, Problems are just opportunities to take a different path, the one that you didn’t see or have before.)

Sir Richard Branson, Virgin Group

I would urge you to travel, take on new experiences and draw upon those when it comes to making the decisions that will shape your future.

Equally, if you spot an opportunity early on and are really excited by it, throw yourself into it with everything you have got. Be ambitious. There probably won't be another time in your life when you have such freedom of opportunity. Grasp it with both hands.

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