Saturday, May 25, 2013

Alternatives Accomodations for Winter

Just a quickie, but was talking to Zonker, and he was saying that he spent 3 years using Motel Rooms for living in the off season. That would be from October 14th to the May 1st to May 24th period. Seems that they have monthly rates, as well as Daily, and in the Winter will reduce rates for an income ;) haven't talked to much with him about it, but will research some more. While this will do until I get enough for a down payment on a property, once that is accomplished, LIVING ON THE LAND to conserve $$ will be a necessity.
    I did a short search on my Playbook, and found lots of Motels in Ontario, so will have to do some more in depth research for area and prices later in the summer, say about August 15th... in the meantime, will keep you informed ;)
    oh, and right now I am considering activating a cell phone for internet connection. Not fully convinced yet that I need it, but just see what the price is going to be. Moving forward, inch by inch. ;D Now if I could only get moving on the weight loss. I have Plateaued at about 198 to 200, and it is bugging me :\

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